Friday, March 20, 2009

My New Fish

So, Lisa and I decided to get fish and
went on a fish buying adventure...
We wanted to get cool tropical fish. However, the tropical
fish we wanted were all either too big, too aggressive, or
too high maintenance. So, we settled on bettas, the
same type of fish every other college student has.
Lisa has a blue betta named Abraham, and I have
a red betta named Lincoln. We call them Abe and
Link for short. Tracy got a snail from the pet
store, and she named him Theodore. He was free,
but the pet store lady kept telling her that she didn't
want him because she would end up with many more
snails crawling around the bowl. He's currently in
my bowl with Link, and we haven't had any problems,
so I'm keeping my finger crossed.
Anyways, here is the documentation of Abraham,
Lincoln, and Theodore's adoption into our family:
Our friend Kim helped us get them safely
into their new bowls

Lincoln, my amazing fish!! He's so fun to watch
swim around, he definitely has a personality!

Abe and Link

Tracy and Theo

The tropical fish that we didn't get

Ready to go home
Getting his bowl ready

We didn't know what we were doing!
Smile! Haha


HR Lady said...

How is your fish doing?

Aunt Mary

holly_michelle said...

He's doing well!